Английский по сериалу Анатомия страсти!

🆒Every day is my mother's birthday. My mother was born in March. He lied. He's a liar. And I'm glad. Really, I'm glad that you found him charming. I'm sure he was delightful. He's a blast after five drinks. Not so much after nine, though. He gets a little weepy and mean. He's a drunk, Meredith. He probably came in and told you how wonderful you are. How sad he is that he doesn't get to spend more time with you. You know, yesterday he said that I was his favorite daughter. The day before, I was an ungrateful bitch. The week before, he wrote me a check for 20,000 dollars because he said I deserved everything life had to offer. Because he was so proud of me. A lifetime's worth of proud. So you can't listen to anything he says because it's not about you. It's about a pint and a half of Dewar's. So thank you for letting me know that I need to keep a better eye on him. Thanks.

🔺a blast - проклятие, помойка
🔺 weepy - плаксивый, слезливый
🔺a lifetime's worth of proud - гордости (за меня) хватило бы на целую жизнь
🔺pint  |paɪnt| - пинта, кружка, кружка пива

Друзья, спасибо, что послушали и почитали!🍬
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Оставайтесь позитивными и целеустремленными!💪✌️👊 Sincerely yours,@nchebotariova
